Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Does God wear lipstick?

We've been wrestling with the question of what God will wear.

The original concept made sense to me. The play begins in a backyard, summer barbecue setting with everyone in casual, outdoor wear. God would be dressed the same as a sporty, REI type.

But the cast's attire changed to be all black with the suggestion of outdoor wear, an apron here, a ballcap there. So God as REI women didn't seem to read. I wanted to wear black, too, and add "priestly" suggestions, a scarf or a jacket I have that is trimmed in such a way to suggest "stole."

It took me actually wearing the khaki pants through one rehearsal for folks to see that it didn't really work.

But the question of what God will/should wear has not been resolved.

When we were discussing the costumes that day, there was a point where Melinda said: "You're being such an actress." And I took it in the good-natured way she intended but continued to try to make my point. Melinda said the jacket I wanted to wear was "too CST" by which I think she meant it was too much like something a CST professor would wear.

But here's my hope: When we studied these plays, we learned that the God figure or the good figure was often dressed as an archbishop. I don't want to wear a miter, but I do think there should be a priestly suggestion to God.

More than anything, though, I want God to look together and sharp, which I think is what Melinda was trying to suggest with her original idea.

Back in the day, when money wasn't tight, I'd just go to REI and outfit God and be done with it. Trying to clothe God out of my closet or the closet of my friends has been a challenge.

Today, I asked Molly what God wore when she was at CST and did the play. Their production was set in Africa and they wore African dresses. God was in purple.

So this week I began to wonder if we were going to wear theatrical makeup. Since none has been discussed, I decided we weren't. So, I started trying to decide how to apply my normal makeup. I rarely wear lipstick, but I know it adds color and makes a difference in photos. So I began to ask myself, does God wear lipstick. And, for some reason, that question made the whole "What will God wear?" discussion seem far less significant.

Of course God wears lipstick.

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